Board Policies
Notice: The policy committee is currently working with the Idaho School Board Association to rewrite district policies to bring our policies up-to-date. The policy committee will present rewritten and/or new policies to the school board members for approval during a board meeting. Policies posted under 1000 Series, 2000 Series, 3000 Series, and 5000 Series are the re-written/new board-approved policies.
The Bruneau-Grand View Joint School District policies drive our mission, values, and goals. We believe it’s important for our school community to have these policies at its disposal.
Please click on the categories below to see the policies relevant to each category.
1000 Series - Board of Trustees
- Table of Contents, Section 1000
- 1000 Legal Status and Operation
- 1010 Organization and Classification
- 1100 Membership
- 1110 Elections
- 1110P Candidate Edification
- 1120 Taking Office
- 1120P Oath of Office
- 1130 Resignation
- 1140 Vacancies
- 1200 Annual Organization Meeting
- 1205 School Board Powers and Duties
- 1210 Qualification, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers
- 1220 Clerk
- 1230 Duties of the Treasurer
- 1240 Duties of Individual Trustees
- 1250 Committees
- 1260 Authorization of Signatures and Electronic Signatures
- 1300 District Policy
- 1303 – Annual Review Policies Board
- 1303-2 – Community Relations
- 1310 Administrative Procedures
- 1313 Conflicting Policies & Procedures
- 1315 District Planning
- 1320 Management Rights
- 1400 Board Staff Communications
- 1405 School Board Use of Email and Social Media
- 1410 Board/Superintendent Relationship
- 1420 Trustee Expenses
- 1430 Trustee Insurance
- 1440 Board Participation in Activities
- 1500 Board Meetings
- 1500P Board Meeting Procedure
- 1510 Open Meeting Law Compliance and Cure
- 1525 Board Meeting News Coverage
- 1600 Code of Ethics for School Board Members
- 1610 Conflict of Interest
- 1615 Trustee Spouse Employment
- 1620 Board Goals and Objectives
- 1630 Evaluation of Board
- 1640 Inservice Conference for Trustees
- 1645 Board Development Opportunities
- 1650 New Board Member Workshop
2000 Series - Instruction
- Table of Contents, Section 2000
- 2000 Goals
- 2100 Curriculum Development and Assessment
- 2120 Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
- 2125 K–3 Reading Intervention
- 2130 Research Studies
- 2140 Student and Family Privacy Rights
- 2140F Student and Family Privacy Rights – Consent Form
- 2150 Copyright
- 2150P Copyright Compliance
- 2160 Computer Science
- 2200 School Year, Calendar, and Instructional Hours
- 2210 School Closure
- 2210P1 Weather-Related School Closure
- 2210P2 Health Emergency Related School Closure
- 2215 Air Quality Restrictions on Outdoor Activities, Practice, and Competition
- 2220 PreKindergarten Programs
- 2230 Grade Organization
- 2240 Class Size
- 2300 Guidance and Counseling
- 2303 Required Elementary Instruction Offerings
- 2310 Nutrition Education
- 2315 Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education
- 2320 Health Enhancement Education
- 2325 Driver Training Education
- 2330 Community and Adult Education
- 2335 Digital Citizenship and Safety Education
- 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
- 2340F Parental Opt-Out Form for Sex Education
- 2345 Speakers in the Classroom and at School Functions
- 2345P Controversial Speakers Procedure
- 2350 Student Religious Activity at School
- 2355 Release Time
- 2360 Interscholastic Activities
- 2365 Participation of Private School Students in Federally Funded District Programs
- 2370 Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction
- 2375 Service Animals in Schools
- 2380 Head Start Program Coordination
- 2385 English Learners Program
- 2390 Education of Migratory Children
- 2395 Idaho Digital Learning Academy Classes
- 2400 Special Education
- 2410 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 2410P Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 2415 Supporting Students with Characteristics of Dyslexia
- 2420 Parent and Family Engagement
- 2420P Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines
- 2425 Parental Rights
- 2425F Efforts to Notify Parent/Guardian of Changes in Student Health or Well-being
- 2425P Parent/Guardian Notification of Changes in Health and Well-being
- 2430 Gifted and Talented Program
- 2435 Advanced Opportunities
- 2435F Advanced Opportunities Participation Form
- 2440 Online Courses and Alternative Credit Options
- 2450 Contracted Student Services
- 2500 Library Materials
- 2510 Selection of Library Materials
- 2510P Selection of Library Materials
- 2520 Selection, Adoption, Use, and Removal of Curricular Materials
- 2530 Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration
- 2530F Request for Review & Reconsideration of Learning Materials
- 2545 Technology Advisory Council
- 2550 Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education
- 2560 Contests for Students
- 2570 Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings
- 2570F Parental Movie Opt-Out/Consent Form
- 2580F Student Permission for Exposure to Animals
- 2580P District Procedure on Dissection of Animals
- 2600 Instructional Grading and Assessment
- 2605 Advancement Requirements (Grades 6 through 9)
- 2620 Grading and Progress Reports
- 2625 Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 2630 Homework
- 2640 Mastery-Based Education
- 2700 High School Graduation Requirements
- 2700P Publication of Graduation Requirements
- 2705 Military Compact Waiver
- 2710 Workforce Readiness and Career Technical Education Diploma
- 2720 Participation in Commencement Exercises
- 2800 Objectives
3000 Series - Student
- Table of Contents
- 3000-Entrance, Placement, and Transfer
- 3010-Open Enrollment by students Who Reside Within and Outside
- 3010F-Open Enrollment Application
- 3010P-Open Enrollment Procedures
- 3020-Enrollment and Attendance Records
- 3020P-Enrollment and Attendance Records
- 3030-Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment
- 3031-Extracurricular Activities – Eligibility for Students Not Enrolled for Academic Activities
- 3040-Compulsory Attendance
- 3040F1-Attendance Prosecutor Letter Form
- 3040F2-Attendance Prosecutor Referral Form
- 3050-Attendance Policy
- 3059 Extracurricular Eligibility
- 3060 Education of Homeless Children
- 3060-1 Athletics Overnight Travel
- 3070-Students of Legal Age
- 3080-Attendance by Out of State Students
- 3085-Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy
- 3085F-Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form for Students
- 3085P-Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure, Requirements, and Definition
- 3090-Foreign Exchange Students
- 3100-Programs for At-Risk/Disadvantaged Students
- 3200-Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 3220-Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access
- 3225-Student Clubs: Equal Access
- 3225F-Student Club Risk Management Plan
- 3230-Student Government
- 3240-Student Publications
- 3250-Distribution and Posting of Materials
- 3255-Student Dress
- 3265-Student-Owned Electronic Communications Devices
- 3270-District Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
- 3270P-Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks
- 3275-District Provided Mobile Computing Devices
- 3280-Equal Education, Nondiscrimination, and Sex Equity
- 3285-Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- 3290-Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students
- 3290F-Harassment Reporting Form for Students
- 3295-Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying
- 3295P-Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying
- 3285-Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- 3375 Interscholastic Eligibility
- 3270 District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
- 3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- 3295-1 Hazing Harassment Intimidation Bullying Cyber Bullying Menacing
- 3295F-1 Harassment Complaint Form
- 3295P-1 Procedure Hazing Harassment Intimidation Bullying Cyber Bullying
- 3300-Drug Free School Zone
- 3305-Prohibition of Tobacco/Vape Possession and Use
- 3310-Gangs and Gang Activity
- 3320-Substance and Alcohol Abuse
- 3330-Student Discipline
- 3335-Academic Honesty
- 3340-Corrective Actions and Punishment
- 3340P-Corrective Actions and Punishment
- 3345-Restraint & Seclusion
- 3350-Detention
- 3365-Student Sex Offenders
- 3370-Searches and Seizure
- 3370P-Searches and Seizure
- 3375-Interscholastic Eligibility
- 3380-Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Policy
- 3390-Extra- and Co-Curricular Chemical Use Policy
- 3400-Extracurricular Activities Drug-Testing Program
- 3400F-Bruneau-Grand View Joint School District’s Extracurricular Activity Consent Form
- 3410-School Sponsored Student Activities
- 3420-Student Fund Raising Activities
- 3430 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature through Students
- 3440-Student Fees, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property
- 3450-Student Vehicle Parking
- 3450F-Student Vehicle Parking Application
- 3460-School-Related Foreign Travel By Students
- 3500-Student Health/Physical Screenings/Examinations
- 3500F-Notice of Health Services
- 3505-Concussion Protocol
- 3505F1-Acknowledgement of Receipt of Concussion Guidelines
- 3505F2-Authorization to Return to Play or Participate in Student Sports
- 3510-Student Medicines
- 3510F1-Authorization for Self-Administered Medication
- 3510F2-Indemnification/Hold Harmless Agreement
- 3511 School Wellness
- 3512-Unpaid Lunch Charges
- 3515-Food Allergy Management
- 3515B-Food Allergy Management — Background
- 3515F-Emergency Care Plan
- 3515P-Food Allergy Management
- 3518-Treatment of Opioid Overdoses
- 3520-Contagious and Infectious Diseases
- 3523-Head Lice (Pediculosis)
- 3525-Immunization Requirements
- 3530-Suicide
- 3540-Emergency Treatment
- 3545-Student Questioning and Arrests
- 3545F1-Student Arrest Form
- 3545F2-Form for Signature of Interviewing Officer
- 3550-Removal of Student During School Hours
- 3550P- Removal of Student During School Hours
- 3560-Video Surveillance
- 3563-Student-Tracking Safety Devices
- 3565-Termination of Driving Privileges
- 3570-Student Records
- 3570F1-Notification to Parents’ and Student’s of Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records
- 3570F2-Permission to Use Likeness
- 3575-Student Data Privacy and Security
- 3580-Relations with Non-custodial Parents
- 3610-Records of Missing Children
- 3620-Transfer of Student Records
- 3998 Personal Electronic Policy
4000 Series - Support Services
5000 Series - Personnel
6000 Series - Coming Soon!
- Check back soon.
7000 Series - Coming Soon!
- Check back soon.
8000 Series - Non-Instruction Operations
- 8100 Transportation
- 8103C Transportation Funds During Periods of Emergency Declaration
- 8105 Extracurricular Transportation
- 8105F Extracurricular Transportation Liability Waiver
- 8105P Extracurricular Transportation Discipline
- 8110 Safety Busing
- 8115 Hours of Service of Drivers
- 8120 Bus Routes Stops and Non Transportation Zones
- 8120C Bus Routes Stops and Non-Transportation Zones during Health Emergency
- 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
- 8140 Student Conduct on Buses
- 8140C Student Conduct on Buses during Health Emergency
- 8150 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
- 8160 Contracting for Transportation Services
- 8170 District Owned Vehicles
- 8170P District Owned Vehicles and Equpment
- 8190 Emergencies Involving Transportation Vehicles
- 8195 District Vehicle Idling
- 8320 District Safety and Emergencies Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
9000 Series - School Facilities
- 9409 Permission to Carry Concealed Firearms on School Property
General School Administration
Fiscal Management
- 300 Table of Contents
- 301 Fiscal Management Goals
- 301.1 Fiscal Management
- 301.2 District Records Retention Schedule Draft
- 302 Annual Budget
- 302.1 Budget Hearings
- 302.2 Budget Appeals and Modifications
- 303 Taxing and Borrowing
- 304.1 Revenue from Federal Sources
- 305 Student Activity Funds
- 306 Fiscal Accounting Replacement
- 307 Purchasing
- 307.1 Purchasing Procedures
- 307.2 Bids and Contracts Procedures
- 308 Insurance Program and Risk Management
- 310 GASB Statement 34
- 312 Fixed Capitol Assets
Support Services
- 400 Table of Contents
- 401 Support Services
- 401.1 Evaluation of Support Services
- 402 Environmental and Safety Program
- 402.1 Emergencies
- 402.1.1 School Closing and Cancellations
- 403 Buildings, Grounds, and Property Management
- 403.1 Maintenance
- 403.2 Security
- 403.3 Traffic and Parking Procedures
- 403.4 Community Use of School Facilities
- 404 Material and Equipment Management
- 500 Table of Contents
- 501 General Personnel Policies
- 501.1 Open Hiring – Equal Employment Opportunity
- 501.1.1 Criminal History – Background Checks Draft
- 501.1.2 Procedure for Obtaining Personnel Records for Applicants
- 501.1.3 Request to the Employer
- 501.2 Staff Classification and Compensation
- 501.3 Staff Conduct and Responsibilities
- 501.3.1 Staff Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- 501.3.2 Staff and Student Relations
- 501.3.3 Sexual Harassment Policy – Students and Employees
- 501.3.3.1 Supplemental Policy Relating to Sexual Harassment
- 501.4 Staff Health
- 501.4.1 Drug Free Workplace
- 501.4.2 Tobacco Free Workplace and No Smoking Policy
- 501.5 Personnel Records and Files
- 502 Certificated Staff
- 502.1 Certificated Staff Recruitment and Selection
- 502.1.1 Student Teachers
- 502.1.2 Certificated Staff Substitute Personnel
- 502.2 Certificated Staff Contracts and Compensation
- 502.2.1 Certificated Staff Assignment and Transfer
- 502.2.2 Certificated Staff Evaluation
- 502.2.3 Certificated Staff Grievance Procedure
- 502.2.4 Certificated Staff Suspensions and Dismissal
- 502.2.5 Certificated Staff Resignation
- 502.2.6 Reduction in Force Policy
- 502.3 Certificated Leaves and Absences
- 502.3.1 Sick Leave Bank
- 502.4 Certificated Staff Calendar Workday and Meetings
- 502.5 Certificated Staff Non-school Employment and Volunteer Work
- 502.6 Vandalization of Teacher’s Property
- 503 Noncertificated Staff
- 503.1 Noncertificated Staff Recruiting and Selection
- 503.1.1 Noncertificated Staff Compensation
- 503.1.3 Noncertificated Staff Substitute Personnel
- 503.2 Noncertificated Staff Evaluation
- 503.3 Noncertificated Staff Grievance Procedure
- 503.4.1 Noncertificated Staff Dismissal Suspension Discipline
- 503.4.2 Noncertificated Staff Resignation
- 503.5 Noncertificated Staff Leaves and Absences
- 503.6 Noncertificated Staff Calendar, Workday, and Meetings
- 503.7 Noncertificated Staff Physical Examinations
- 503.8 Noncertificated Staff Relations to Students and Public
- 503.9 Noncertificated Staff, Nonschool Employment, and Volunteer Work
Community Relations
- 800 Table of Contents
- 801 School-Parent-Community Relations Goals
- 802 Parent Involvement in Education
- 802.1 Parental Involvement Policy
- 803 Visitors to School
- 803.1 Community Relations Volunteers
- 803.2 Community Relations Volunteers – Procedures
- 803.3 Volunteer Application
- 803.4 Volunteer Confidentiality
- 804 Relations with Community Organizations
- 804.1 Relations with Booster Organizations
- 805 Patron Complaint Policy
- 806 Sex Offenders
- 806.1 Sex Offenders
- 806.1.1 Sex Offenders