Welcome to the Bruneau-Grand View!

At Bruneau-Grand View Joint School District, we want to see “Every Child Learning.” Located in the southwestern corner of Idaho, our small, tight-knit community is dedicated to the success of every child. Involved parents, caring citizens, and high-achieving students are just a few of the ingredients in our recipe to success.

We welcome you to our online home, where you can learn more about our exceptional schools, our student athletics programs, and all the special events that make our district stand out from the rest. We welcome community and parent involvement. Find out how you can help!

Letter from Our Superintendent

Bruneau Grand View Patrons,

As we head into the summer I hope you and your family are able to rest up and enjoy family time in the sun together.

Although the kids are out of school I wanted to let you know of several projects that will be happening around the district from June through August when the kids return.

Rimrock received a grant from the State to install a new, state of the art fire alarm system. Installation will be happening during the summer. The existing system is outdated and replacement parts are difficult if not impossible to find. The new system will include all new pull stations, strobing lights as well as siren and digital readout for every room. The grant was awarded in the amount of $185,000.00.

As a means to increase our recruiting and teacher retention efforts we have implemented a daycare for children of staff members. The facility is located in the east portable located behind Rimrock. This year it served an average of 9 children, infant to 3 years old, and provided daycare for older children during monthly professional development days. The daycare has also received a grant through the Idaho Workforce Council for $165,000.00 over the next 3 years. During the summer months we will be doing some remodeling of the facility and exterior play area in order to better accommodate the small ones next year.

At the June school board meeting I shared with the trustees trends that are occurring around the nation and in local school districts right here in Idaho regarding enrollment decline and school closures. Bruneau-Grand View Joint School District is also facing financial challenges due to enrollment decline and operational cost for maintaining three campuses that are less than 50% occupied. As a district we have set the following goal – “Work together to keep the Bruneau-Grand View School District financially healthy and focused on its mission.” To be financially healthy means moving to a place where we can operate, as much as possible, within the revenues provided to us by the State. With that goal in front of us, we will be working toward solutions and strategies during the summer months. I want to thank all of you who have shared your thoughts at the monthly School Talks meetings over the past school year. Your input is greatly appreciated as we have been seeking answers and want to find the best course to take moving forward. School Talks will continue when the school year resumes and we look forward to seeing you attend.

Please feel free to stop by the office, call or email me with any questions you may have. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.

Jeff Blaser, Superintendent

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